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作者:海洋与气象学院来源:海洋与气象学院 阅读次数:次 日期:2019-09-10



主要研究领域包括地球系统能量收支平衡变化、水循环变化、气候变化、极端降雨、热带气旋发生发展机理、气候预报、冰雹的雷达识别、云的光学特性、环境数据共享,以及非球形粒子的散射计算等。发表论文100余篇,已被引用了2400多次。近年提供的大气层顶辐射能量通量、大气能量散度和地表能量通量,是该领域广为人知的资料,被国际同行广泛应用于气候变化研究和气候模式模拟评估,其中大气层顶辐射能量通量被 ipcc ar6 评为高可信度。2022年关于“大西洋海洋热能传输被气候系统模式普遍低估”的研究成果,被世界各大媒体广泛报道。










国家自然科学基金面上项目:“全球气候变暖对 hadley 环流强度变化的影响”。批准号:42275017,执行日期:2023-2026。


荣获 2022 年度广东省高等院校外国专家国际合作奖。


(1) liao x, holloway ce, feng x, liu c, lyu x, xue y, bao r, li j, qiao f (2023) observed interannual relationship between itcz position and tropical cyclone frequency. j. climate, doi: .

(2) pan yuying, cheng lijing, von schuckmann karina, trenberth kevin e., li guancheng, abraham john, liu yuanxin, gouretski viktor, yu yongqiang, liu hailong, liu chunlei (2023) annual cycle in upper ocean heat content and the global energy budget. j. climate, .

(3) jin l, liu c, cao n, liao x, xue y, bao r, fan l, zhu l, su q, yang k, zheng r, chang s and liang m (2024), tracking the variability of the western pacific warm pool heat content over 1980–2020. front. earth sci. 12:1377715. doi: 10.3389/feart.2024.1377715.

(4) yang k, liu c, cai j, cao n, liao x, su q, jin l, zheng r, zhang q and wang l (2023) the north–south shift of the ridge location of the western pacific subtropical high and its influence on the july precipitation in the jianghuai region from 1978 to 2021. front. earth sci., 11:1251294, doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1251294

(5) 曹宁,郑兆轩,刘春雷 (2024) 超强台风灿都(2021年)对黑潮入侵吕宋海峡的影响。热带气象学报, 40(2):237-247. doi:

(6) liu c, yang y, liao x, cao n, liu j, ou n, allan rp, jin l, chen n, zheng r (2022) discrepancies in simulated ocean net surface heat fluxes over the north atlantic. adv. atmos. sci., 39, .

(7) mayer j, mayer m, haimberger l, liu c (2022) comparison of surface energy fluxes from global to local scale. j. climate, .

(8) liu c, ni chen, jingchao long, ning cao, xiaoqing liao, yazhu yang, niansen ou, liang jin, rong zheng, ke yang, qianye su (2022) review of the observed energy flow in the earth system. atmosphere, 13, 1738, https://doi.org/10.3390/ atmos13101738

(9) yazhu yang, liu c, niansen ou, xiaoqing liao, ning cao, ni chen, liang jin, rong zheng, ke yang, qianye su (2022) moisture transport and contribution to the continental precipitation. atmosphere, 2022, 13, 1694.

(10) zhang s, fu g, zhang y, xu j, xue y, tang r, gao x, liu c, long j. (2022) statistical characteristics and composite environmental conditions of explosive cyclones over the japan sea and kuroshio/kuroshio extension. atmosphere.; 13, 17,

(11) andrews t, bodas-salcedo a, gregory jm, dong y, armour kc, paynter d, lin p, modak a, mauritsen t, cole jns, medeiros b, benedict jj, douville h, roehrig r, koshiro t, kawai h, ogura t, dufresne jl, allan rp, liu c (2022) on the effect of historical sst patterns on radiative feedback. journal of geophysical research, 127, e2022jd036675,

(12) zhang s, zheng y, liu c, huang z, weng h, xu j, tu s (2022) climatology of different classifications of tropical cyclones landfalling in guangdong province of china during 1951–2020. atmosphere, 13, 1306, https:// doi.org/10.3390/atmos13081306

(13) 曹宁, 李润朝, 叶颖昕, 郑兆轩,刘春雷 (2022) 基于不同海洋再分析资料的吕宋海峡热能输送及其变化. 广东海洋大学学报, 42(5).

(14) 彭玮怡,薛宇峰,刘春雷 (2022) 河南郑州“720”极端暴雨成因分析。水利水电快报。43(12):8 15

(15) zhang s, liu c, xu j, zhang s, tang r, huang z, zheng y, guan z, mao h, xue y (2021) physical process contributions to the development of a super explosive cyclone over the gulf stream. front. earth sci., 9:722555. doi:10.3389/feart.2021.722555

(16) long j, liu c, liu z and xu j (2021) impact of the anomalous latent heat flux over the kuroshio extension on western north american rainfall in spring: interannual variation and mechanism. front. earth sci. 8:609619. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.609619

(17) chen s, xu f, zhang y, ye g, xu j, liu c (2021) sensitivity of typhoon lingling (2019) simulations to horizontal mixing length and planetary boundary layer parameterizations. front. earth sci. (2021).

(18) m, j, chan , liu c, xu h (2021) how does the onset time of el niño events affect tropical cyclone genesis and intensity over the western north pacific? int j climatol

(19) luo x, xu j, liu c, , , (2021) characteristics of atmospheric heat sources in the tibetan plateau-tropical indian ocean region [j]. journal of tropical meteorology, 2021, 27(1): 70-80,

(20) liu c, allan rp, mayer m, hyder p, desbruyères d, cheng l, xu j, xu f, zhang y (2020) variability in the global energy budget and transports 1985-2017. climate dynamics, 55:3381–3396, doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05451-8.

(21) liu c, liao x, qiu j, yang y, feng x, allan rp, cao n, long j, xu j (2020) observed variability of intertropical convergence zone over 1998-2018. environ. res. lett., 15, .

(22) 刘春雷,冯小丽,顾剑峰,廖晓晴,曹宁,徐建军,徐峰,张宇(2020)热带气旋生成指数对印度洋热带气旋频数变化的适用性研究.南京信息工程大学学报,12(4):431-441doi: 10.13878/j.cnki.jnuist.2020.04.004.

(23) allison lc, palmer m, allan rp, hermanson l, liu c, smith dm (2020) observations of planetary heating since the 1980s from multiple independent datasets. environmental research communications, 2 (10). p. 101001. issn 2515-7620 doi: .

(24) xu h, xu j, liu c, ou n (2020) distinguishing characteristics of spring and summer onset el niño events. journal of climate, .

(25) , liu c (2018) in: vuruputur, v., sukhatme, j., murtugudde, r. and roca, r. (eds.) tropical extremes: natural variability and trends. elsevier, pp. 139-164. isbn 9780128092484.

(26) hyder p, edwards jm, , hewitt ht, bracegirdle tj, , wood ra, meijers ajs, mulcahy j, field p, furtado k, bodas-salcedo a, williams kd, copsey d, josey sa, liu c, roberts cd, sanchez c, ridley j, thorpe l, hardiman sc, mayer m, berry di, belcher se (2018) nature communications, 9. 3625. issn 2041-1723 doi: .

(27) , , liu c, de boissoson e, (2018) geophysical research letters. issn 0094-8276 doi: .

(28) liu c, (2018) journal of climate. issn 1520-0442 doi: .

(29) liu c, , mayer m, hyder p, loeb ng, roberts cd, , edwards jm, (2017) journal of geophysical research: atmospheres, 122 (12). pp. 6250-6272. issn 2169-8996 doi: .

(30) roberts cd, palmer md, , desbruyeres dg, hyder p, liu c, smith d (2016) journal of geophysical research: oceans. issn 2169-9291 doi: .

(31) liu c, , , mayer m, hyder p, loeb n, smith d, edwards jm (2015) journal of geophysical research: atmospheres, 120 (18), 9374-9389. issn 2169-8996, doi: .

(32) smith dm, , coward ac, eade r, hyder p, liu c, loeb ng, palmer md, roberts cd, scaife aa (2015) geophysical research letters, 42 (4), 1205-1213. issn 0094-8276 doi: .

(33) , liu c, loeb ng, palmer md, roberts m, smith d, (2014) geophysical research letters, 41 (15), 5588-5597. issn 0094-8276 doi: .

(34) , liu c, , , koukouvagias e, bodas-salcedo a (2014) surveys in geophysics, 35 (3). pp. 533-552. issn 1573-0956 doi: .

(35) skliris n, marsh r, josey sa, good sa, liu c, (2014) climate dynamics, 43 (3-4), 709-736. issn 0930-7575 doi: .

(36) liu c, , brooks m, milton s (2014) journal of applied meteorology and climatology, 53 (1), 200-214. issn 1558-8432 doi: .

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(38) liu c, (2013) environmental research letters, 8 (3). 034002. issn 1748-9326 doi: .

(39) liu c, , huffman gj (2012) geophysical research letters, 39. l13803. issn 0094-8276 doi: .

(40) liu c, (2012) journal of geophysical research, 117. d03101. issn 0148-0227 doi: .

(41) liu c, , iwi a, smith d (2012) quarterly journal of the royal meteorological society, 138 (662). pp. 81-90. issn 1477-870x doi: .
